Big ask

Hello and welcome

Hi, my name is Rachel de Souza and I’m the Children’s Commissioner for England. My job is to speak up for children in England, stand up for their rights, and make sure that the people in power listen to what children need and want.

It’s time to give something big back to young people like you after COVID — and we need your help to do it.

This is the largest ever survey of children and young people in England. We’ll use what you tell us to show the government what you think, and what children need to live happier lives.

This survey will only take you 5-10 minutes.

Choose your age group to get started!

Easy read versions


About The Big Ask

The Big Ask is a survey for children and young people aged 4–17 in England. We’ve split the survey into different age groups, so you can fill in a version appropriate for your age. We’ve also made easy-read ‘accessible’ versions as well as a version for care leavers.


Why you should take part

This is your chance to have your say on the things that matter to you. You can tell us what your life is like, what you want in the future, and anything you think is holding you back.

We’ll use what you say to tell the people who run the country or your local area what you think needs to change to make your life better.

Your privacy

We won’t ask for your name, phone number or email, and we’ll keep what you tell us safe and private – it won’t be shared with anyone else. You don’t have to answer any question if you don’t want to.


We’ve created free resources for teachers, youth groups and parents to help children complete the survey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about The Big Ask.

Everything you need to know about The Big Ask – for children and young people