2020 The Year That Made Us Great

Strategic Plan

The CSO Forum with support from the Africa Early Childhood Network is in the process of developing a strategic plan. The plan aims to strengthen the internal process of the forum as well as our work. It will touch on areas of governance, human resources, partnerships, programs and accountability.

In 2021, we will be sharing several data collection tools as well as reaching out to you for interviews. We hope to launch the plan in the 18th CSO Forum and start operationalizing thereafter.

Other documents  we plan to develop in 2021, include the Child Safeguarding policy, the Anti Harassment policy, Communication andAdvocacy Strategy and an Evidence and Research Plan.

If your organization is interested in supporting the CSO Forum in developing any of these important documents please do reach out.

2020 Achievements

In the year 2020 we were able to establish new partnerships including the Child Rights Connect, the African Early Childhood Network and UNICEF who we have already signed an MoU with, We continued to strengthen the existing partnerships

We have continued to with Information-sharing, best practices and research in 2020 we  embraced technology and held the first ever virtual CSO forum which was a success with over 2500 participants from Across Africa.In our efforts to strengthen sub regional coalitions we held regional forums in May 2020 and supported the African Committee of Experts with the regional workshops in November.

We also continued to ensure that children are at the center of our work and we held several children forums from May 2020 through to December 2020.

We believe in each one of our members so we have continued to partner with you to hold webinars and side events throughout the year. The recording of these events can be accessed on our website.


Talking of website, we have increase our visibility on the social media platforms on Twitter, Facebook and our new learning website

3. Capacity of civil society organizations, the life as we know has changed and hence as a forum we have held a couple of capacity building events with support from our partners on topics including Children without parental care, children affected with conflict, Early Childhood, Right to play. Visit the website to access recording of these events

5. Lobbying Member States to respect and implement the Charter provisions, in 2020 we utilised the social media platforms to lobby for children rights and we have seen change with Democratic Republic of Congo ratifying the charter.

6. CSO Forum has continued to Contribute towards the development of policies, strategies and carry out actions  such Participation in the Committee’s Strategic plan development, Participation in the Child Participation guidelines development and GC – Article 22 and now Strategic direction of the CSO Forum

2021 Calendar

We are looking forward to 2021 to impact children more here are some of the plans for 2021


  • Finalise the Strategic Plan February 2021

  • Launch The CSO Forum Strategic Plan March 2021

  • 18th CSO Forum 12th- 18th March 2021 (Dates may change based on the committee session)

  • Day of The African Child- 16th June, 2021

  • 19th CSO Forum November, 2021